31 May
2017The Five Most Frequently Asked Questions About Coastal Home Insurance

There are so many wonderful coastal homes in Massachusetts, but insuring them can be tricky. Luckily, your friends at #MorseOfCourse specialize in insurance for homes that are located along the coast, and we are happy to give you advice on how to determine the optimal insurance coverage for your special home. Morse has partnered with multiple carriers who provide insurance specifically for homes like yours, so we can give you options that fit your unique needs and your budget.
The team at Morse has heard every question you can imagine about additional insurance coverage options for coastal homes. Below are a few of the most commonly asked questions, along with the critical answers you need to know:
1) Does my coastal home need additional insurance coverages?
The first step to knowing whether or not your coastal home needs additional insurance coverage is to figure out how far your home is from the coast. Insurance carriers all have different requirements when it comes to insuring coastal homes, but most will require this additional coverage when writing insurance policies for homes that are 3 miles or less from the coast. For this reason, it’s best to work with an insurance agent who understands how to navigate what can be very complicated coverage. Often times we will find cost savings or alternative options that an agent with less coastal home insurance knowledge may overlook.
2) How does this additional coverage differ from my home insurance policy?
Coastal homes have greater exposures, which is why they often require additional coverage beyond what comes with a standard home insurance policy. Specifically, insurance policies for coastal homes can include separate wind deductibles, named-storm deductibles, and hurricane deductibles. Here are two examples to help clarify:
- Your home is 10 miles from the coast and you have a standard home insurance policy without a wind deductible. Strong winds knock a tree down, which then falls on your home. Your regular home insurance deductible would apply here for your claim.
- If you live within 3 miles of the coast and a tree gets knocked over by wind, your wind deductible will apply instead of your regular home insurance deductible.
If it sounds complicated that’s because it is. The team at Morse has years of knowledge in insuring coastal homes and will make sure you have the proper coverage to protect your investment through all of its battles with Mother Nature.
3) How are my wind, hurricane, or named-storm deductibles set?
In general, these deductibles can be either a flat fee or between 1-5% of the value of your home. This number is dependent on your location and the insurance carrier. For example, a home in Marion may have a 2% deductible while a home on Nantucket could have a 5% deductible.
At Morse, our team understands the ins-and-outs of coastal home insurance and can walk you through the different deductibles and pricing. Because we have relationships with multiple top quality carriers who specialize in insurance for coastal areas, we can work to find you the lowest deductible possible, with the optimal protection, for your coastal home.
4) How should I set my policy limits when adding coastal coverages to my home insurance plan?
This is another important component of your policy that your independent insurance agent at Morse will be able to help you with. When setting the limits for your home insurance policy, your agent will consider several different factors, including the value of your home and its proximity to the water.
5) Do I need flood insurance in addition to coastal coverages on my home insurance policy?
Homeowners should note that flood damage is excluded from any home insurance policy, even if you have coastal coverages like a wind or named-storm deductible. Meaning, if your home sustains damages from a flood, your home insurance policy will not cover the repairs. While we recommend flood insurance to clients who are close to the water, homeowners who live in designated flood zones are required to purchase flood insurance to maintain their mortgage.
Here at #MorseOfCourse, we know that having options when it comes to your coastal home insurance is important. We are proud to work with several different carriers who provide home insurance for coastal homes — give us a call today at 508-238-0056 or visit our website for more information on how we can help protect your coastal home.