
  • Are You Prepared for a Tornado? Tips from Insurance Experts

Image of a large storm behind a house

New Englanders experience a wide range of weather events every year, including heavy downpours, blistering heat, hurricanes, snow, and thunderstorms. There’s very little Mother Nature can throw at us that we haven’t seen before. But what about tornadoes? Can these powerful and violent storms show up in Massachusetts?

The short answer is yes. Tornadoes are common in the Central Plains of the United States, especially east of the Rocky Mountains and west of the Appalachian Mountains. However, when thunderstorms become severe, which they tend to do in Massachusetts, they can lead to tornadoes right here on the East Coast. According to local meteorologists, an average of three to five tornadoes touch down in Massachusetts each year. As is the case with most hazardous weather situations, preparedness is crucial. So, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most effective steps you can take to prepare your family and your home in the event of a tornado warning.

6 Ways to Protect Your Home and Family from a Tornado

1. Trim trees. One of the biggest culprits of weather-related property damage, including that caused by tornadoes, is broken tree limbs. Heavy tree limbs can not only fall on your roof or shed but also break windows, causing additional damage inside your home. Hiring a tree trimming service to maintain the trees on your property annually may make your home less likely to sustain damage from falling branches if a tornado or other weather-related event hits your neighborhood.

2. Properly store outdoor items. Strong winds can turn deck chairs, patio umbrellas, kiddie swimming pools, and other items into projectiles that may damage your home or your neighbors’ homes. If you’re aware that a tornado is approaching your area, tie down or properly store these items to avoid potential damage. If you get a tornado warning or spot signs like a dark green sky, take shelter immediately in a safe place. Never attempt to go out in a tornado.

3. Maintain your roof. Keeping your roof in tip-top shape is important in terms of home maintenance. When the shingles on your roof age, they are more likely to lift and let water into your house. This risk increases substantially with gusty winds associated with tornadoes. When the time comes to replace your roof entirely, you may want to consider hiring an insured and trusted roofing company to install wind-resistant shingles for an extra layer of protection.

4. Make sure everyone in your household knows when and where to shelter in place. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) encourages individuals and families to practice common sense and caution during a tornado. If you believe you’re in imminent danger, seek shelter immediately. The safest place to hide during a tornado is underground, such as in a basement, as it provides the most protection from flying debris and collapsing walls. If your home doesn’t have a basement, identify an inside room without windows on the lowest floor of your home, such as a bathroom or closet.

5. Prepare an emergency kit. Gather essential items such as flashlights and batteries, nonperishable food, water, a first aid kit, a battery-powered radio, cell phone chargers, money, and medicine.

6. Review your homeowners insurance policy. Part of protecting your home from a tornado or other weather-related disaster requires understanding and regularly evaluating your home insurance policy. Standard homeowners insurance covers a wide range of risks. However, there are policy limits and exclusions to coverages to be aware of. We strongly encourage you to schedule a policy review with your insurance agent to ensure you have the proper coverage in place.

Morse, of course, wants to help you and your family prepare for anything in the event of a tornado.

The weather changes fast in New England, quicker than a traffic pattern on the Mass Pike, but remember that you’re not alone when it comes to proper home preparedness. Partnering with a local, experienced, trusted insurance agent, like Morse, is key as you take steps to help safeguard your family and your home from weather-related damages and other potential disasters. From explaining the insurance coverages every homeowner should know about to finding competitive home insurance quotes for our clients to providing best-in-class customer service, the Morse team is here to support you with all your insurance needs. Contact us today or stop by any of our convenient Massachusetts locations.

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